Translation & Publication Grants

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  2. Program
  3. Translation & Publication Grants
  4. Translation and Publication Grants for Overseas Publishers



Translation and Publication Grants for Overseas Publishers


For the purpose of globalizing Korean literature and expanding K-Lit, LTI Korea provides translation and publication grants to overseas publishers wishing to publish Korean literary works.


Eligible Applicants

Overseas publishers that have acquired the rights and are planning to translate and publish works of Korean literature (novel, poetry, drama, YA novel, essay, webnovel, graphic novel(webtoon), screenplay, etc.) and humanities & social science in a foreign language

※ Overseas publishers should only apply once a publishing contract has been signed with the Korean publisher (or copyright holder) and translator.

It will not be eligible for the program if the work(book):

1)  is a children’s picture book

2)  is expected to be published before the date of the announcement of results

3)  has been previously published in the same language and its copyright contract has not expired

4)  is subject to dispute over intellectual property rights, including copyright law

5)  is authored by individuals who have caused social controversy due to human rights or ethical issues (such as sexual assault, molestation, plagiarism, etc.)

6)  submitted by the same publisher is not selected more than once in the previous cycle


Application Schedule

4 cycles

4 cycles(Cycle, 1st~4th Deadline, Announcement of Results)
DeadlineJanuary 31April 30July 31October 31
Announcement of ResultsThe last day of FebruaryThe last day of MayThe last day of AugustThe last day of November

There will be four application cycles every year.

※ Although applications are accepted all year round, overseas publishers should refer to the dates below taking into account their own planned publication dates since the books expected to be published before the date of the announcement of results will not be considered for a grant.

※ All dates and times are based on the Korean Standard Time (KST). Applications will automatically close after 24:00:00 KST. (Any applications submitted after this time will only be considered for the following cycle.)

※ Applications received after October 31 will only be reviewed the following year.


How to Apply

  • Applications must be completed online through the LTI Korea KLWAVE platform ( where applicants can fill out the relevant forms and submit all required documents (1. Publishing contract with the copyright holder and 2. Contract with the translator).

    ※ Applicants who do not already have a KLWAVE account will need to create one (User Type: Publisher).

    ※ Please note that we do not accept applications by email, standard or express mail, telephone, or personal visits.

  • Applicants will be notified of the results of their application directly through the KLWAVE platform.
지원금 기준 내규

Grant Regulations

By genre

Grant Regulations(By genre)
GenreTranslation Grant
Novels, YA Novels, dramas, essays(prose collections), webnovels, screenplays, humanities & social books 5.7 million ~ 15 million KRW
Poetry 7 million ~ 13 million KRW
Graphic novel (Webtoon)5.7 million

By language

번역·출판지원금(Group, Language, Translation Grant, Publication Grant)에 대한 정보테이블
GroupLanguageTranslation GrantPublication Grant
AEnglish, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Dutch, Nordic languages100%4 million KRW
BRussian, Chinese, Turkish, and other European languages80% of Group A
CAll other languages60% of Group A3 million KRW

※ The total amount of the translation grant will be determined by the length of the original work (which may be reduced if the length is significantly less). The overseas publisher will pay the translator directly if the translation grant is less than the translation fee that the publishers are required to pay, as stated in the translation contract between the translator and the publisher.
※ For series titles, grants may be awarded for up to two volumes (the total grant amount will be determined by each volume’s genre and language group).
※ All grant payments will be issued in South Korean Won (KRW).


Selection Process

A selection committee composed of literature experts and professionals in the field of publishing will be tasked with reviewing applications and selecting grant recipients.

※ Each application may receive both translation and publication grants, or only one of the two, depending on the evaluation results.


Selection Criteria

The anticipated demand for the chosen work in the target market, thoroughness of the publication and marketing plans, and reputation and level of credibility of the publisher are used as the main evaluation criteria.

선정 후 절차

Post-selection Procedures

  • 1. LTI Korea will sign an agreement for grants with the overseas publisher.
  • 2. Upon receipt of the final manuscript and book cover from the publisher, LTI Korea will issue the translation grant to the translator in a lump sum payment.
  • 3. Upon the book’s publication and receipt of complimentary copies from the publisher, LTI Korea will issue the publication grant to the publisher in a lump sum payment.

    ※ If translation fees have already been paid by the overseas publisher as per a prior agreement with the translator, all supporting documents, including proof of payment, must be submitted to LTI Korea.
    ※ Save for exceptional circumstances, requests for advanced, deferred, or installment payments will not be accepted.



  • Documents submitted online through the KLWAVE platform ( will not be returned to the applicant.
  • Books that have already received or are due to receive any type of financial support for translation or publishing costs from another institution will not be considered for an LTI Korea grant.
  • Overseas publishers that have been awarded a grant must make note of LTI Korea’s support on the book’s copyright page upon publication.
  • Indirect translations of Korean works are not eligible for translation grants and will only be considered for publishing grants.
  • Under Article 10.1 of LTI Korea’s Budget Management Guidelines, the selection committee reserves the right to disqualify any grant applications for works written by authors facing allegations of sexual abuse or harassment, plagiarism, or any type of social misconduct deemed unethical.
  • The same publisher may receive up to two grants per quarter and a maximum of six grants per year.
  • Overseas publishers that have published with the help of a grant must agree to report any sales information to LTI Korea and cooperate on all post-publication procedures.

in Charge