LTI Korea Library

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  3. LTI Korea Library
  4. LTI Korea Library



The LTI Korea Library

As the world’s only multilingual archive of Korean literature and related contents, the LTI Korea Library provides various types of resources from all over the world, including e-books and bibliographic information on translated Korean works, as well as introductory materials on Korean writers, and overseas press releases.
The Library, with its collection of translated Korean works across 41 languages, journals and magazines of Korean literature, dictionaries, and DVDs, is open to translators, academics, researchers, students of the Translation Academy, and the general public.



2021Provided archive service for the Digital Library of Korean Literature
2020Established a multilingual Korean literature archive system
2018Promoted and showcased Korean literature at the PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games
2015New E-library(Korean literature multilingual archive) website opened
2014Database for the names of Korean writers was established and provided
E-library system and website was reorganized
2013Book donation program at home and abroad was established and implemented
LIBGuide began that is E-library English Web service
2012Overseas Hub Library Members program launched
Remodelling of library interior
Classification of the library collections and development of list guidelines
2010Translated book sharing project started in Korea (it ended in 2011)
2009E-library website opened
2007LTI Korea Library opened
2005Receiving exhibited 'Books on Korea' and materials that introduce writers from the Frankfurt Book Fair
2004Uploading texts video and voice contents on Korean literature on the webpage
2003Establishing the website that providesthe bibliographic data of Korea's translated literature
2002Surveying and collecting translated books of Korean literature (received from the Underwood collection of Yonsei University)
2001Beginning as the archive of the Literature Translation Institute of Korea

Library Collection Status

좌 : 소장자료_국내서/외국서 2022.12.31.기준(단위:책·점) / 우 : 언어별 현황_언어/권수 2022.12.31.기준(단위:책·점) 아래 상세설명

Hours of operation

개최기간/ 장소

Hours of operation

Days : Monday-Friday (5 days a week) 09:00 ~ 18:00 (※ 11:30 ~ 12:30 Closed for Lunch)

Location & Contact

  • Address : LTI Korea Library, LTI Korea Building 1st Floor, Yeongdong-daero 112-gil 32, Gangnam-gu, Seoul South Korea (135-879)
  • Tel. : 02-6919-7795
  • E-mail :


  • Kyungha Lee Contents Management Team


    Tel. +82-(0)2-6919-7793